Monday, June 30, 2014

Hobby Lobby Wins, Women Screwed..

Today's Hobby Lobby ruling just pushed all the Buddhist out of me. There is no peace in me tonight. No compromise. No understanding. No empathy. No seeking explanation.


Today, I just want to whip somebody's ass. Somebody being Roberts, Scalia, Alito, Thomas and Kennedy in any order they choose to present them.

In case you missed it, the male majority of SUPCO, having already created the Frankenstein monster by making corporations people, have once again unleashed that bitch on women.

Seems that since corporations are people, they can have and practice religious beliefs. In other words, if the corporation strongly believes that women don't need certain birth control, because it constitutes abortion in their mind, they can ignore federal law requiring them to offer it in their health programs to women.

Wow...just wow!

The all seeing, all knowing SUPCO Five say there is no danger of this kind of thinking spreading...their ruling was narrow...really....REALLY?

Sounds like a repeat of what they said when they struck down the Voting Rights Act last year.. Narrow ruling...Blacks don't need protection anymore...white people are no longer racists at heart....people won't run with it...and turn back the clock on voters...NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

So now what?

If it was me... last night would be the final night that every man in America got some pussy..

If women can't plan their families, or regulate their cycles without permission from their boss, or take care of other womanly necessities.........I say it's time to plug the pussy...close up shop until men come to the their senses, get the message and beat the crap out of any man who wants to take choice away from women.

Reality women are not going to have a problem with this ruling. The ones married to the Roberts/Scalia/Alito/Thomas' of the world have never had to worry about paying attention to laws passed by their men.

It's poor women who will always suffer.

Add this ruling on top of recent laws to deny food stamps, cut lunch programs, shut down public schools....end after school programs and daycare...well...after you're done babymaking ...what do you do with them...

Better question...what do women do.....stay home and be breeders for the bread winner?

Oh wait...the breadwinner is usually Mom these days....damn...

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