Saturday, February 22, 2014

Juror #8 Half Right

Creshuna Miles

Creshuna Miles: “I never once thought about, ‘Oh, this was a black kid, this was a white guy.’ Because that wasn’t the case.”

Alicia Machado: “So, for people who say, you know, here’s another white guy who got away with shooting and killing a black kid, what would you tell them?”

Miles: “I would tell them that they really should knowledge theyself on the law.”

Machado: “If this case wasn’t about race for you, what was it about?”

Miles: “It was about justice. When I walked into it, I just wanted to bring justice to whoever it was. If it was Michael Dunn, I wanted to bring justice to him. If it was Leland, Tevin, Tommy or Jordan, I wanted to bring justice to them.

Creshuna Miles may have some knowledge of the law, but she don't know jack about justice.
The young woman was juror #8 in the recently completed Michael Dunn trial. Dunn is the guy who was convicted of attempting to kill three young men who were playing “rap crap” music in a car with Jordan Davis.
Jordan Davis

Davis was the only one to die during Dunn's attack on the young men.

Miles told CNN that Dunn was adjudged to be within his rights when he opened fire on the car because he “thought” he saw a gun and was therefore in fear of his life.

Miles said Dunn messed up by chasing the car as it was attempting to get away from his rain of bullets. He went past his limits...the law limits, she said.

At the worst, Dunn was guilty of second degree murder, not first degree murder, and that is what hung the jury, according to Creshuna Miles. Three people on the jury who also “knowleged theyself in the law,” felt the whole situation was self defense and that Dunn was justified killing, someone he claimed was attacking him. Hung jury.

According to defendant Dunn and also implied by Creshuna Miles, Jordan Davis, and Leland, Tevin and Tommy were at fault.

They started it. Michael Dunn finished it. That's okay according to the law says Creshuna Miles.

It was the law. She is right about that.

But that is the problem...the it is it is it is applied..and to whom it is applied. 

The law was not written to protect Jordan, Tevin Tommy or Leland. Even in the eyes of young black women who "knowledge theyself in the law", these young men are predators...guilty until proven otherwise.

They are the reason law is written.

The Michael Dunns and their sons and daughters don't ever have worry about any of the above, if they find themselves at either end of a Glock 9mm. They will always be judged “victims” when somebody shoots at them or even when they shoot and or kill somebody.
Michael Dunn

They get the benefit of the doubt, from the police, from the prosecuting attorney, from the judge, from the court, from the jury, regardless of racial make up.

The Michael Dunns of the world will always be the victim.

That is the law...

It's not justice...

But it is the law...

Michael Dunn is going to jail and that is a good thing. 

What bothers me is the way Creshuna Miles rationalizes Jordan Davis' death.

If a Black woman can see justice in the death of Jordan Davis, then I'm wasting my time worrying about the plight of Black people in America.

We're already lost....

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

George Zimmerman's Pity Party..

The tragi-drama that is George Zimmerman is apparently coming to a painful end. He's homeless, or so he says, and despite his fat little cheeks, he says nobody will make him a sandwich.

Awww poor baby. Guess his fake white privileges have run out. 
Don't see his Judge-Daddy or arrogant big brother riding to his rescue, which is usually a clear family sign in most instances, that the troubled one really is a fuck up, despite what they said in public, and they just want him to go away, too.

Georgie says he is also suffering from PTSD but how would he know that since he told reporters his doctor no longer allows him to schlep in through the back door. He's so famous now. 
Man..homeless, no food, suffering PTSD, and so famous he has to wear a bullet proof vest, because he can no longer afford body guards.

Everybody wants him or wants to do him harm...victimized for life.

What a life...what a life.

Of course Trayvon Martin is just dead.
Think about that for a moment.

Trayvon the candy-loving kid, who forced Georgie Z to get out of his car, led him into a dark place, where Georgie had to pull his gun and shoot because the candy loving kid was beating his ass.

Ass whippin' from a kid.....makes you wonder how George suddenly found the balls to announce that he was willing to climb into a boxing ring with a Black man to make some money to pay off his massive lawyer debt from trial.

Georgie Z wants ya to know that he is not a racist either. He has black relatives, and he is the real victim here and he's not sorry for pulling the trigger. He was exercising his god-given rights as a fake white man in the United States of America, and only God will judge him.

Yep..Calling on God...true sign of a guilty man.

Georgie Z...may you live long and never prosper...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Michael Dunn Verdict- Message in the Madness

Ah, the nuances of American Justice.....

How the hell can a jury find Dunn guilty of attempted murder for shooting at the victims who survived, but can't come to agreement on why or how Jordan Davis died.
Michael Dunn and Jordan Davis

It all happened in the same hail of bullets from Michael Dunn, disrespected white guy, ticked off because four black kids told him to “piss off” when he demanded they turn down their loud “thug music.”

He pulled out his legally concealed gun and opened fire. The kids answered by trying to drive away out of the rain of bullets because they weren't packing...they were out looking for girls when they found Michael Dunn.

It played out on public property, outside a store and all parties had an equal right to be there, sorta..

Everyone knows that one master of the universe even without a gun is no match for 4 black kids in a car, under our Justice/Just-us system.

Doesn't matter the circumstances, MOTU is gonna win, period. It's his system, his world, his universe, his jesus created solely for Black mothers to pray to when they lose something or want something. Black kids, usually male, are here for target practice.

But I guess maybe we should pause a moment and thank George Zimmerman for the Michael Dunn verdict, because if Zimmerman hadn't walked, and the ongoing outrage been so loud, Dunn would not have been convicted, considering how clueless Florida law and juries are these days.
George Zimmerman

Even the media bought a clue and instead of labeling the story as the Jordan Davis killing, it was called the “loud music” trial, making it less personal, because if you want to get people riled up, put a name and face on it. Works every time (see Trayvon Martin or Cincinnati race riot of 2000).

It's no wonder Dunn is confused as his attorney stated after the verdict. To his mind he should never have even been charged. After all, what did he do? He is the only “valuable asset” in this argument. All he did was take out the garbage, so to speak.

Shoot at some thugs...kill one of them...what's the big deal? That was his demeanor during the whole trial. No remorse for taking the life of a man-child. Jordan Davis wasn't even legally a man, yet.

No, fake white guy Zimmerman mucked it up for real white guys like Dunn, and is now claiming to be homeless and suffering from PTSD. He's also 2.5 million dollars in debt and wants his old life back.

Maybe Georgie Z can volunteer to be Michael Dunn's cellmate and keep him company for the next several decades. They can commiserate together...swap war stories about their successful “thug hunts.”

Because Dunn is going to jail, probably for about 60-plus years, thanks to the convoluted Florida crime laws.

So I guess that is something, isn't it...

No it isn't, because the unrestricted “license to kill” issued to white men is still in force, and no one is safe as long as that license remains in effect.

On to the next case/hunt/controversy.. Alfred Wright....Different Black man...different state...different white man...same result...
Alfred Wright and son

(insert Crickets singing, right here)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Clarence Thomas HNIC (house negro in charge)

Men like Uncle Clarence and Uncle Herman, Uncle Allen and Uncle Ben, and the rest of the “do as I say, not as I do” class of black men in Amerikka, make my butt hurt.

These Type A, too dark to be white wannabes are always trying to rewrite history by denying that what Blacks and minorities and even they, themselves have suffered in this country is discrimination and racism. 
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

It is all a figment of our collective imagination.

We dreamed it. The water coming out of our fountain was the same water that white folks drank..just different plumbing.. It's okay to walk in the dirt...supports you the same way the concrete sidewalk supports whites...dustier, maybe....but ya"ll can still walk on it.

We're too sensitive...If it happened that way, then ya'll misunderstood what it was...

And besides..liberal whites in the north were a 1000 times worse to black folks than the good ole boys down south.

Uncle Clarence knows this because he graduated from Yale. They gave him an affirmative action scholarship which was an insult to his manhood, and he's been angry ever since...

But he didn't turn it down or give to some other person who wanted/needed the help. He's not stupid, right?

And like all other Black Uncles, Uncle Clarence refuses to admit that the problem never has been one of's white people, their treatment of us and their privilege by being born white. Doesn't matter where you live in this very big country.

The problem exists, period, these days exacerbated by the fear of the Black man in the White House.

Jim Crow or Institutionalized racism..different name...different era...same effect...

Uncle Clarence made his latest remarks at Palm Beach Atlantic University, a school that was founded in 1968 as an interdenominational Christian university with 50 majors and post grad degrees, right next to the beach in Southeast Florida where you can explore your faith with young people of all races,nationalities and creeds.

Except, like all these other so called Christian Universities, I had to go deep into the university ghetto of the sports dept. in order to find another chocolate face besides Uncle Clarence's to smile back at me and she was, you guessed it, a basketball player, a senior transfer, probably on scholarship.

You can check out PBA website right here...

And I will bet double money that Uncle Clarence was invited during the month of February because it's Black History Month and the school had run out of local clown car conservatives to call on to back-handedly deny history. Even in the shortest month of the calendar, you can run out of Blacks who speak conservative.

But of course Uncle Clarence doesn't see it that way. He's apparently too blinded by the white is right light.

Being Amerikkka's only Black Justice on the highest judicial bench in the country, Uncle Clarence could have talked about anything he wanted to talk about to all those young white people.....absolutely anything...After all, they were a captive audience, so to speak...

But he chose once again to talk about race.

Race is all he talks about, when he talks in public. It's his stock speech. It's what he writes books about. It's his base point when issuing rulings from the bench. It seems to be his preoccupation 24/7, 365, except maybe when he's at home with Jungle Fever Ginni.

Uncle Clarence is still mad.
Clarence and Virginia Thomas

He's mad about all those perceived slights and elements of shade hurled his way when he was a young black man navigating his way through white Amerikkka trying to figure out which water spigot to drink from.

The 1960's were four decades ago. According to Uncle Clarence, we should be over it by now.

Okay, But why isn't he?

Oh I forgot...Uncle Clarence is a “do as I say...not as I do negro.”

Yep...he still mad...

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Black History and Malcolm X

I am so glad that I don't have kids in public schools these days because I'd probably end up being locked up for murder, convicted of physically throttling some of the ignorami who pass themselves off as teachers and principals these days.

What's wrong you say?

Well, it's Black History Month and fourth graders at Public School 201 in Queens New York had to do papers on a prominent Black person.

Many of the kids chose Malcolm X. 

Their teachers, backed up by the principal told them they couldn't write about Malcolm because he was a bad man who advocated violence and therefore was not good subject matter during Black History Month

The inference being he wasn't “good” black civil rights leader material. Translation, he wasn't a house negro, trusted and not dangerous to white people. therefore little black kids should not revere or know about big black rebellious men.

This would never have come to light if the kids hadn't started complaining to their parents who in turn demanded answers from the principal, who said she'd look into it. Didn't say she'd fix it, only that she'd look into it.

You can read the whole story right here.

Malcolm X a bad man? Denmark Vesey was bad....Gaspar Yanga was bad..The dudes who led the Stono Rebellion were bad...John Brown was bad....Nat Turner was bad.....Madison Washington was bad...some of these dudes were field negroes, one a crazy white man and another a crazy creole....All a part of Black History..

Malcolm X bad? He never picked up a gun...but he did say the rest of us should take our equality by any means necessary.

Know your history.

Martin Luther King Jr advocated non violence yet he found commonality with Malcolm X..They were walking the same path..

Know your history.

Good or bad ain't got nothin to do with history..

It just is...

I vote we fire some dumb ass teachers and principals....

History without holes...Learn it and free yourself... 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hey Seinfeld, Even Sinatra Had Sammy Davis Jr.

Jerry Seinfeld the comedy god pissed his panties yesterday when somebody called him on his bullshit for not having Blacks on his iconic Seinfeld show.

Said, “who cares?”
Said, “it's PC anti-comedy nonsense.”
Said, “he doesn't care about gender or race and all that happy horseshit..leave it to the census or somebody who gives a damn.”

You can read it here

Well, at the risk of pulling on Superman's cape, it does matter Mr. Seinfeld. It really does matter a lot.

Seinfeld and other shows on TV created all white worlds for folks to tune into. Worlds that bare absolutely no resemblance to reality, then or now. I mean NY without people of color? Omaha maybe..Owsley County Kentucky, maybe...But NY?  GTFOH..

There was no color in the main ensemble, which is believable since most people rarely have/had friends of another color outside of work. I understand that many whites don't have a Black friend or two.

I could have lived with that, if in fact Seinfeld's show had really been funny and relevant to anybody except 20 something white girls and boys just entering the workforce.

But Seinfeld didn't have people of color as shop co doormen.... no next door neighbors...nobody sitting at the tables in the restaurant or being run into as they enter or leave. Didn't hear any Black people laughing on the laugh track either (I'm kidding.)

Honestly can't comment on what the conversations were about on Seinfeld because I didn't watch because the spots were too lilly white and not funny enough for me. So they may have talked about Black people or Latino people or Asian people during their many conversations about “nothing..”

I more than missed it, due to all of the above.

Because if the commercials don't show people like me, I ain't watchin past the first episode, if that much.

So I've never seen Seinfeld except in commercials or Friends or Sex in the City or Dynasty until I realized Steven was gay and Dominique showed up.

Why do I have to get my funny on from guys like Key and Peele, relegated to chitlin circuit  cable TV instead of prime time which they more than deserve? I don't have cable. Comedy is as segregated as most of America. Still!

It matters Jerry Seinfeld, because your very apparent disdain for diversity manifests in lesser lights in shows such as ABC's Agents of Shield which does have a Kung Fu Asian woman who kicks ass when needed. But the sub-villains are nearly all black and evil in a “fear of the Black man” kind of way. (A sub villain is one who answers to an unseen all knowing white guy or gal super baddy, with an English accent, who gets hunted all season and maybe killed by the all white sorta super heroes who work for the titled organization.

If Seinfeld or Friends had had Black people (Aisha Tyler) in the show, we might not be where we are today in the 21st Century playing a colored version of “where's waldo.”

Seinfeld's color/gender blindness is a cop out. It's the road taken by cowards caught wallowing around in crap when they actually had the ability to effect some change.

Seinfeld is no different than Lorne Michaels and Saturday Night Live or a lot of what still comes out of Hollywood these days.

No, Jerry Seinfeld, the right answer to the question of diversity on your show would have been;

What was I thinking, huh?!”


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Black History Month-Whoopi Tie Yi A!

It's February 1st ya'll. Somebody break out the Hennie. Time to celebrate being African American again. Have to be quick, though since this is the shortest month of our 12 month calendar. Go head and bust a move. Just don't twerk. We don't own that one no more.

I don't celebrate Black History month.

I will admit that I used to, just like I used to sing “We Shall Overcome” when circumstance called for it to be sung. But not anymore.

Going back about 25 years or so, I got tired of begging white folks for my dignity and asking them to put their stamp of approval on my ass as a human being. My disgust directly correlated to the time spent being the only Black in the room for 99% of my adult career life.

It's hard to fake that smile after a while...

I thought we would be done with this ish by the time we entered the 21st Century. The delusional Pollyanna living within me incorrectly believed that white people would see the error of their ways and apologize and stop acting like dicks all the time when a Black or brown person entered the room. Not me, I was supposed to be there. I was the chocolate drop allowed in to flavor their buttermilk. There is always one who is allowed so they can pat themselves on the back to show how post racial they are. Back in the day they called it being color-blind.

I thought white Christians would finally by now have read their bible, thereby knowing and understanding WWJD. I thought Black Christians would have figured out the hoax that is King James and see it as the ultimate joke/control mechanism perpetrated by the Masters of the Universe.

I thought Black History would have morphed into American History by now becoming just History and that there would be no need to remain separate and unequal. The next most segregated place in America after Churches and cemeteries are libraries and bookstores where they still exist.

Instead of integration we have assimilation-our businesses, schools, churches, neighborhoods dry up and die...our culture our music, our hairstyles, clothing and dancing disappear, renamed, re-attributed, made blond, pale and neutral.

Blurred lines everywhere..

Segregation has returned to the cities with urban neighborhood gentrification and the relaxing of affirmative action, school busing and voting rights regulations.

We have a Black President. Yep, we do. However, he is so busy fighting Jim and Janie Crow, now sitting in Congress and his own political party, he ain't got time for us. And we so happy to have him that we applaud our first Black President, knowing that he is not doing our bidding, while praying to white Jesus to give him strength.

And what do we do? We celebrate Black History Month. We pause to sing “We Shall Overcome” instead of “To Be Young Gifted and Black.”

We sit back and don't vote, believing the BS that voting really doesn't matter because most Americans watch, support and rely on Fox News for the truth.

Well, voting is like the don't win if you don't play. They win because we choose not to play.

That simple, really.

So Happy Black History Month to those who celebrate February.

But don't blink..
Shirley Chisolm