Saturday, February 22, 2014

Juror #8 Half Right

Creshuna Miles

Creshuna Miles: “I never once thought about, ‘Oh, this was a black kid, this was a white guy.’ Because that wasn’t the case.”

Alicia Machado: “So, for people who say, you know, here’s another white guy who got away with shooting and killing a black kid, what would you tell them?”

Miles: “I would tell them that they really should knowledge theyself on the law.”

Machado: “If this case wasn’t about race for you, what was it about?”

Miles: “It was about justice. When I walked into it, I just wanted to bring justice to whoever it was. If it was Michael Dunn, I wanted to bring justice to him. If it was Leland, Tevin, Tommy or Jordan, I wanted to bring justice to them.

Creshuna Miles may have some knowledge of the law, but she don't know jack about justice.
The young woman was juror #8 in the recently completed Michael Dunn trial. Dunn is the guy who was convicted of attempting to kill three young men who were playing “rap crap” music in a car with Jordan Davis.
Jordan Davis

Davis was the only one to die during Dunn's attack on the young men.

Miles told CNN that Dunn was adjudged to be within his rights when he opened fire on the car because he “thought” he saw a gun and was therefore in fear of his life.

Miles said Dunn messed up by chasing the car as it was attempting to get away from his rain of bullets. He went past his limits...the law limits, she said.

At the worst, Dunn was guilty of second degree murder, not first degree murder, and that is what hung the jury, according to Creshuna Miles. Three people on the jury who also “knowleged theyself in the law,” felt the whole situation was self defense and that Dunn was justified killing, someone he claimed was attacking him. Hung jury.

According to defendant Dunn and also implied by Creshuna Miles, Jordan Davis, and Leland, Tevin and Tommy were at fault.

They started it. Michael Dunn finished it. That's okay according to the law says Creshuna Miles.

It was the law. She is right about that.

But that is the problem...the it is it is it is applied..and to whom it is applied. 

The law was not written to protect Jordan, Tevin Tommy or Leland. Even in the eyes of young black women who "knowledge theyself in the law", these young men are predators...guilty until proven otherwise.

They are the reason law is written.

The Michael Dunns and their sons and daughters don't ever have worry about any of the above, if they find themselves at either end of a Glock 9mm. They will always be judged “victims” when somebody shoots at them or even when they shoot and or kill somebody.
Michael Dunn

They get the benefit of the doubt, from the police, from the prosecuting attorney, from the judge, from the court, from the jury, regardless of racial make up.

The Michael Dunns of the world will always be the victim.

That is the law...

It's not justice...

But it is the law...

Michael Dunn is going to jail and that is a good thing. 

What bothers me is the way Creshuna Miles rationalizes Jordan Davis' death.

If a Black woman can see justice in the death of Jordan Davis, then I'm wasting my time worrying about the plight of Black people in America.

We're already lost....

1 comment:

  1. Great article Jo. This interview is to prove that race was not a factor in the verdict. Feeling has nothing to do with the law. And learning, getting knowledge of a law during a trial is not enough time to truly understand the law. The court requires you to weigh the evidence..give your opinion about the weigh of the evidence that a reasonable person would find guilt or innocence based on the evidence. The facts not feelings...
