Sunday, February 16, 2014

Michael Dunn Verdict- Message in the Madness

Ah, the nuances of American Justice.....

How the hell can a jury find Dunn guilty of attempted murder for shooting at the victims who survived, but can't come to agreement on why or how Jordan Davis died.
Michael Dunn and Jordan Davis

It all happened in the same hail of bullets from Michael Dunn, disrespected white guy, ticked off because four black kids told him to “piss off” when he demanded they turn down their loud “thug music.”

He pulled out his legally concealed gun and opened fire. The kids answered by trying to drive away out of the rain of bullets because they weren't packing...they were out looking for girls when they found Michael Dunn.

It played out on public property, outside a store and all parties had an equal right to be there, sorta..

Everyone knows that one master of the universe even without a gun is no match for 4 black kids in a car, under our Justice/Just-us system.

Doesn't matter the circumstances, MOTU is gonna win, period. It's his system, his world, his universe, his jesus created solely for Black mothers to pray to when they lose something or want something. Black kids, usually male, are here for target practice.

But I guess maybe we should pause a moment and thank George Zimmerman for the Michael Dunn verdict, because if Zimmerman hadn't walked, and the ongoing outrage been so loud, Dunn would not have been convicted, considering how clueless Florida law and juries are these days.
George Zimmerman

Even the media bought a clue and instead of labeling the story as the Jordan Davis killing, it was called the “loud music” trial, making it less personal, because if you want to get people riled up, put a name and face on it. Works every time (see Trayvon Martin or Cincinnati race riot of 2000).

It's no wonder Dunn is confused as his attorney stated after the verdict. To his mind he should never have even been charged. After all, what did he do? He is the only “valuable asset” in this argument. All he did was take out the garbage, so to speak.

Shoot at some thugs...kill one of them...what's the big deal? That was his demeanor during the whole trial. No remorse for taking the life of a man-child. Jordan Davis wasn't even legally a man, yet.

No, fake white guy Zimmerman mucked it up for real white guys like Dunn, and is now claiming to be homeless and suffering from PTSD. He's also 2.5 million dollars in debt and wants his old life back.

Maybe Georgie Z can volunteer to be Michael Dunn's cellmate and keep him company for the next several decades. They can commiserate together...swap war stories about their successful “thug hunts.”

Because Dunn is going to jail, probably for about 60-plus years, thanks to the convoluted Florida crime laws.

So I guess that is something, isn't it...

No it isn't, because the unrestricted “license to kill” issued to white men is still in force, and no one is safe as long as that license remains in effect.

On to the next case/hunt/controversy.. Alfred Wright....Different Black man...different state...different white man...same result...
Alfred Wright and son

(insert Crickets singing, right here)

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