Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Clarence Thomas HNIC (house negro in charge)

Men like Uncle Clarence and Uncle Herman, Uncle Allen and Uncle Ben, and the rest of the “do as I say, not as I do” class of black men in Amerikka, make my butt hurt.

These Type A, too dark to be white wannabes are always trying to rewrite history by denying that what Blacks and minorities and even they, themselves have suffered in this country is discrimination and racism. 
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

It is all a figment of our collective imagination.

We dreamed it. The water coming out of our fountain was the same water that white folks drank..just different plumbing.. It's okay to walk in the dirt...supports you the same way the concrete sidewalk supports whites...dustier, maybe....but ya"ll can still walk on it.

We're too sensitive...If it happened that way, then ya'll misunderstood what it was...

And besides..liberal whites in the north were a 1000 times worse to black folks than the good ole boys down south.

Uncle Clarence knows this because he graduated from Yale. They gave him an affirmative action scholarship which was an insult to his manhood, and he's been angry ever since...

But he didn't turn it down or give to some other person who wanted/needed the help. He's not stupid, right?

And like all other Black Uncles, Uncle Clarence refuses to admit that the problem never has been one of's white people, their treatment of us and their privilege by being born white. Doesn't matter where you live in this very big country.

The problem exists, period, these days exacerbated by the fear of the Black man in the White House.

Jim Crow or Institutionalized racism..different name...different era...same effect...

Uncle Clarence made his latest remarks at Palm Beach Atlantic University, a school that was founded in 1968 as an interdenominational Christian university with 50 majors and post grad degrees, right next to the beach in Southeast Florida where you can explore your faith with young people of all races,nationalities and creeds.

Except, like all these other so called Christian Universities, I had to go deep into the university ghetto of the sports dept. in order to find another chocolate face besides Uncle Clarence's to smile back at me and she was, you guessed it, a basketball player, a senior transfer, probably on scholarship.

You can check out PBA website right here...

And I will bet double money that Uncle Clarence was invited during the month of February because it's Black History Month and the school had run out of local clown car conservatives to call on to back-handedly deny history. Even in the shortest month of the calendar, you can run out of Blacks who speak conservative.

But of course Uncle Clarence doesn't see it that way. He's apparently too blinded by the white is right light.

Being Amerikkka's only Black Justice on the highest judicial bench in the country, Uncle Clarence could have talked about anything he wanted to talk about to all those young white people.....absolutely anything...After all, they were a captive audience, so to speak...

But he chose once again to talk about race.

Race is all he talks about, when he talks in public. It's his stock speech. It's what he writes books about. It's his base point when issuing rulings from the bench. It seems to be his preoccupation 24/7, 365, except maybe when he's at home with Jungle Fever Ginni.

Uncle Clarence is still mad.
Clarence and Virginia Thomas

He's mad about all those perceived slights and elements of shade hurled his way when he was a young black man navigating his way through white Amerikkka trying to figure out which water spigot to drink from.

The 1960's were four decades ago. According to Uncle Clarence, we should be over it by now.

Okay, But why isn't he?

Oh I forgot...Uncle Clarence is a “do as I say...not as I do negro.”

Yep...he still mad...

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